Uncover the intriguing history of the Mumba Rockshelter, an important archeological site within a unique physiographic landscape. Explore more about its historical significance and cultural heritage.
Mumba is a vast area with a diverse range of physiographic features and landforms, such as rock shelters, drawings, signs, and paintings. These significant features conspire to make this cultural site an exciting place to visit. Next to this site is a small forage and hunting community known as Hadzabe, which survives primarily by hunting small to large game and collecting fruits from the bush for daily meals and lifetime endurance.
This site also features massive Middle Stone Age (MSA) and Later Stone Age (LSA) assemblages that represent the historical transformation from early hunting to animal husbandry at times.
These historical records place Mumba and its surroundings, including the Lake Eyasi basin, on the list of key sites in East Africa for documenting the trend for technological and cultural innovations over the course of the MSA and subsequent cultures.